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autohitdiwДата: Суббота, 04.02.2017, 16:42 | Сообщение # 4
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СТО-автосервис “АВТОХИТС”в Минске предлагает полный комплекс услуг по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей.Каждый владелец иномарки знает, что ремонт авто- это все-таки серьезное дело. И его лучше доверить профессионалам. Обращаясь в ненадежный центр, Вы прежде всего рискуете своей безопасностью, а также безопасностью окружающих. Ведь, согласитесь, безопасность других на дороге также зависит и от Вас. Ремонт иномарок лучше производить в специальных автосервисах и техцентрах.Мы осуществляем ремонт автомобиля любой сложности. Ремонт в нашем автосервисе производится по рекомендациям завода-изготовителя. Наши высококвалифицированные мастера, которые специализируются на техническом обслуживании и ремонте автомобилей , при ремонте используют только лучшее сертифицированное оборудование. Мы обеспечиваем полное наличие необходимых материалов и запчастей лучших производителей.Выполним следующие виды работ:
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SamuelCOPДата: Понедельник, 04.06.2018, 23:19 | Сообщение # 5
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tourist tours



Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they'll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company 'Cultural Kiev' will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides 'The only way to do great work is to love what you do'

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won't find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don't need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you'd like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don't worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew's Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew's Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don't know how to spend free time, we recommend our service 'guide for an hour'. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city's secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it's not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych's presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That's how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80's, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

https://culturalkiev.com/chernobyl - journey to Kiev

https://culturalkiev.com/our_guides - Pechersk Lavra

https://culturalkiev.com/exclusive_tours - Lavra Kiev

Добавлено (17.04.2018, 05:33)
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Just choose a guide and time for an exciting walk around the city!
Individual tours are the most popular and preferred by tourists. Often arriving in an unfamiliar city you feel more comfortable accompanied by a guide. Therefore, you can relax and enjoy all the advantages of hanging out in the new city. Our guides know Kiev and its most famous sights perfectly, they'll suggest you the places to have a tasty snack, buy unique items and souvenirs, spend time in a good company and have a pleasant conversation. Join us!
The company 'Cultural Kiev' will make your stay in the capital as comfortable as possible. We offer all the services you need to fully enjoy the beauty of Kiev.

Let us assist you with: guided tours, translators, transportation services, accommodations and other concierge services. |


Our tours Say YES to new experience!

Seven wonders of Kiev, Guide for an hour,Mystical Kiev,Botanical Garden&Photo,Tour of corruption,Exclusive tours,Lights of the night city|


Our Guides 'The only way to do great work is to love what you do'

DO I NEED PRIVATE GUIDE IN KIEV? This is one of the questions that a lot of tourist ask themselves. And we want help you figure out.

A PRIVATE GUIDE IS BETTER THAN ANY GUIDEBOOK. With a private guide, you can be sure that they will show you the Kiev that many tourist do not see, and will make an exceptionally personal private tour for you with the places that you won't find in any guidebook.
WHERE TO GO? WHERE TO EAT? HOW TO GET THERE? Your private guide knows the answers to all of these questions, so you don't need to worry about how to get from one place to another or where to find the best places to eat. Your guide will organize everything for you and can also correct your itinerary.
MAKE YOUR OWN TOUR. Only with a private guide you can make your perfect tour. Every place that you'd like to visit can be included in your tour and your guide can map out all of them in the best way.
SAFETY. With our private guides you can be sure about your safety when you are walking around the city. You can also be sure that we will take you to places where no one will deceive you when dining or buying souvenirs.
EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Our guides are professionals in the field of their knowledge. We like to communicate with people, share experiences and knowledge from all over the world. We cherish passion and love for our native land and our history, and we want to share this with you.|


Service We care about the quality of services


We are pleased to offer you airport shuttle service in Kiev. You quickly and safely get to the right place in the city with our professional drivers and comfortable cars. Our drivers are licensed, insured. You do not need to worry about how to find a taxi, stand in line for a bus or worry that you will not be met. Your driver will be waiting for you directly at the gate with a personalized sign, to assist you with your luggage and escort you to your waiting car.

If you are late Airport pickups include 60 minutes of free wait time. Don't worry about anything; enjoy your stay in Kiev! WELCOME!


Our company will be glad to provide you interpreter service for any kind of event. We offer support of:

? Business meetings;

? Conferences;

? Seminars;

? Presentations;

? Business negotiations

The professionalism of the translator plays an important role. We work with the best translators. Only professionals will be able to ensure a clean and high quality of work, actingin your interests.

You can order:

Consecutive interpreting
Synchronous interpreting
Accompaniment of guide-interpreter
Simultaneous interpretation is one of the most complex types of interpretation, performed with the use of special equipment. We are the best in this! Contact for more information.|


Driving can prove difficult in an unfamiliar city. We can help you in renting a car or ordering a personal driver who knows the city well. Our drivers are of the highest skill, observing the rules of the road. They are always courteous and conscious of their passengers’ needs. We understand that plans change. That’s why our drivers are flexible to your needs and can adapt to last minute changes in plans. You can feel safe leaving the driving for us.?

If you choose this service you safe travel even in bad weather, saving time in moving around the city, will allow you to use your time enjoying what Kiev has to offer.|

We want to make your stay in Kiev as comfortable as possible. You can use the service of professionals. Finding the perfect lodging is an important moment for any trip. We will help with this decision, taking into account any wishes. We can provide you with a customized list of the most suitable resorts, hotels, or affordable hostels. Guests who require long stay, we can help in this regard.

Once you have chosen the right option for you, we will take care of making all the necessary reservations.? We can help you to book tickets for trains, or buses.

We will give you a journey of your dreams!

Tell us your desired form of transportation, the desired route and the exact dates of the trip – and we’ll take care of everything. If you need to find a taxi, have something delivered to your place of lodging, or make reservations for restaurant- we will make it for you!


We have a portable Wi-Fi in our arsenal of services. The Internet is an irreplaceable assistant in the modern world. You need permanent internet access!|


About our company
We work to make your wishes come true

Welcome to Cultural Kiev
We are a young company in the tourism market, so it is important for us to ensure high quality and professionalism for our customers. The company offers the services: the organization of excursion routes for individuals and groups, the services of professional translators, transfer services, exclusiveand extreme tours, hotel and local transport tickets booking. Our way is different from other companies because we always work thinking of you, of your needs, but above all, of your expectations. We know that every detail is important, and for this reason makes our besteffort to care for all those "little things" which will always make the difference so that your trip will be exceptional. Our service is characterized by flexibility and creativity in the design of routes, for this we are diligent about the choice of persons who participate in your accompanying. Our company seeks to promote Kiev as a popular tourist destination, offering comprehensive and interesting solutions to meet the needs of our customers, striving to exceed their expectations in terms of quality, responsibility, equity and sustainable development.|


Seven wonders of Kiev
Kiev is the heart of Ukraine. There are a lot of ancient houses, priceless monuments of culture, famous churches, beautiful parks and squares, wonderful places worth visiting. Quite recently Ukrainians and guests of the city chose seven most amazing places in Kyiv and named them miracles. We offer to immerse in an old atmosphere of Kiev, see the main attractions and beauties in our best tour "Seven Wonders of Kiev"

Meet in Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address. You will see: St. Vladimir Cathedral, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, St. Andrew's Church, Vydubitsky Saint Michael Monastery, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Monastery and House with Chimaeras.

We suggest start our trip with the most visited tourist attraction of the capital. St. Vladimir Cathedral is the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, one of the most beautiful monuments of neo-Byzantine architecture, not only in the capital, but through out Ukraine

Andreevsky Descent is the oldest street in Kiev. The street was named in honor of St. Andrew's Church, which was established at the beginning of the descent in the middle ofthe VIII century. There is a legend, earlier on the place of the Dnieper was the sea, when the apostle Andrew came and installed a cross on a hill, the sea obeyed, and the water left

St. Sophia Cathedral is the pearl of the capital. "Sofia" was created by Prince Vladimir in 1011, more 1000 years ago! St. Sophia Cathedral is a fount of frescoes and mosaics of the 11th century.

The Golden Gate is an architectural monument of the defensive architecture of Kiev Rus, since the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The Golden Gate performed not only a defensive function, but also was the central entrance to Kiev. This status was preserved for it until the 18th century

One of the masterpieces of the Ukrainian Baroque is the cathedral, the refectory and the complex of buildings of the Vydubitsky SaintMichael Monastery. Nowadays there are five churches in the area of the monastery. This is a surprisingly picturesque place where believers will be able to find unique places for inspiration and perfect location to pray

The Kiev Pechersk Lavra is the most famous monastery in Eastern Europe and the greatest shrine of Christianity. This shrine stands in the third place for the Orthodox world after Jerusalem and the holy Mount Athos

If you are hungry during the tour we know the unique, pleasant and comfortable places in Kiev where you can satisfy your taste and get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are interested in a separate object from the proposed tour, we will be happy to make an excursion according to your wish. Contact us for further details.|


Guide for an hour

You came to Kiev on business or on a visit and don't know how to spend free time, we recommend our service 'guide for an hour'. Our guide is your personal assistant, with excellent knowledge of the city. He ready to accompany you in all the movements and help in matters. You will not only get acquainted with the city in a short time, but also make the best use of your time.
Meet Hotel
Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address.
Our guide will tell you in detail about what can be seen in Kiev, what excursions we can offer focusing on Your interests, how to get to the best places in Kiev, making up your individual itinerary
We will take you back to your hotel or any other place you would prefer at the end of the tour.|


Mystical Kiev

Talk about mysticism in this city - easy, the city has long been famous for legends about evil spirit. Even now, in present days, many believe that witches are still flocking to the Bald Mountain on the Sabbath The main office Glavpochtamt located at the place, where you can see the ghost, and on the most mystical street Andreevsky Descent, you can find the entrance to the another world. We would like to share with you the city's secrets with stories and facts opening the door to mystical Kiev during our journey through the city . Choosing this tour we suggest you wear comfortable clothes and bring an open and curious mind . Our guide will give you flashlight , tea in a thermos, cookies and all other necessary things ;)|


Botanical garden with Photographer

Kiev Botanical Garden is one of the most visited sights of the city. And it's not surprising, because this is a real island of beauty and coziness in a busy city. It is easy to hide from the hustle and bustle under the can opy of trees, listen to the singing of birds, enjoy the surrounding view. Each season has its own melody. The spring symphony begins with the flowering of the first spring snow drops and continues with the riot of lilac and beautiful magnolias. Summer nakturn will play with the fragrance of roses, jasmine and linden. Autumn blues from the first notes will surprise with the brightness of colors, variety of shapes and flowering of charming dahlias and chrysanthemums. Winter sketcheswill give a fairy tale with fir trees and squirrels. The Botanical Garden works at any time of year, in the green houses the flowering of plants continues. The orangery "Garden of Eden" is constantly working - an artificially created tropical garden with strange trees, waterfalls, rare reptiles and amphibians of the Old and New Worlds. Being in this place, it seems that you are somewhere far away, on a small island surrounded by birds of paradise and fluttering tropical butterflies. Come, and look at this miracle with your own eyes! Go on an excursion we offer, accompanied by a photographer, to leave your walk in memory forever.|


Mezhyhirya- Tour of corruption

Mezhyhirya - is a former residence of Viktor Yanukovich in the village Novye Petrovtsy, Kiev region. The history of this place is extremely interesting. By sources, history begins In the X century, when the Greek monks led by the first Kyiv Metropolitan, were founded a monastery on this pictures queslopes. A lot has happened to this famous landmark over the time of its history and you will see what remains . The place has not lost its charming natural beauty. During the time of Yanukovych's presidency, this place was called a symbol of corruption of a presidential scale and a museum of corruption. Now this place has been returned to the people and primarily is an amazing place of beauty ! A large-scale natural complex, clean air, interesting infrastructure and entertainment for every taste, fountains and ponds, animals and birds, this place is definitely worth seeing and will leave warm memories in your heart even with its previous history.|


Lights of the Night city

Impressions about Kiev are completely different at day and evening. Especially in the summer evenings the city looks romantic and thoughtful, everything around it takes on different colors. Night air, soft lighting, the smell of flowering trees, light music comes from somewhere ... That's how Kiev associates in the evening. All this provides for long walks around the city. You will be charmed by embankments, illuminated bridges and streets of evening Kiev. We invite you to have an interesting and fun time in the evening Kiev.|


Exclusive tour For detailed information - please, contact us

Who in childhood did not dream of going up in the air on a magic balloon? You can fulfill this dream, right now! Give yourself and your family a little fairy tale, special impressions that you will never forget! Write to us and we will be happy to organize for you this unforgettable adventure!
TOUR TO CHERNOBYL AND PRIPYAT Extreme tourism in Chernobyl — trip you will never forget! |


Chernobyl Tour

In the early 80's, small townships Chernobyl and Pripyat were prophesied the cities of the future. Special sources of financing, innovative infrastructure, ideal conditions for life - all this was a reality until the morning of April 26, 1986. Today, cities where a "peaceful atom" carried heat to homes and confidence in the future are empty. And they are one of the most unusual extreme destinations in the world.|

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Добавлено (04.06.2018, 23:19)


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Bolshoi Theatre Guided Tours In Moscow
Reveal the secret of the world's most renowned theatre, behind its visiting hours

Tickets to the Bolshoi are sold out in the first minutes after the sales start. Are you wondering why? We would tell you that the worldwide popularity of Russian opera and ballet schools is not the only reason for this. Magnificence and beauty of the interior is part of the answer. The Bolshoi backstage is the place which knows all the secrets and our tour will give you the final clue.

Activity Details
1 hour
Instant confirmationTour type: Private guided tour in English, French, Spanish or GermanAvailable: Daily, except Sunday, Thursday, Saturday
Book This Tour
<a href=https://pradiz.com/tours/moscow/bolshoi-theatre-tour>Bolshoi Theatre Guided Tours In Moscow</a>
Bolshoi Theatre Guided Tours In Moscow
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Добавлено (19.04.2019, 18:33)
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